Senin, 23 Juli 2012

gatau ah. kesel.

jadi gini, hari ini tuh tanggal 23 Juli 2012. lagi bulan puasa. otomatis masuk sekolah juga jadi agak siang. setengah 8 sih..

tadi pagi habis sahur aku tidur lagi. yaa biasalah godaan mah ada aja. nah udah gitu aku bangun kesiangan kan. aku bangun jam 7an kayanya, lupa lagi. seperti biasa, cek hp dulu. gatau deh kehipnotis mulu, everywhere everytime :( terus langsung buru-buru mandi. selesai mandi cek jam 07.10 ah udah kesiangan banget! terus solat dhuha (hehe) dan lain-lain. kerudung segitiga lupa di setrika. mampusssssss! 07.20 nyetrikalah diwaktu yg udah mepet itu. sip. cukup tau ajasih selesainya 07.27an kira-kira --___--
sekolah aku ga terlalu jauh dari rumah. MAKANYA ITU AKU NYANTE-NYANTE. nyesel ah:( 
langsung aku dianter pake motor. ngebut ngebut ngebut. sampailah aku digerbang sekolah tercinta<3 lariii...lariii....lariii... emangsih ga upacara. tapi semuanya udah masuk kelas!!!!!! mana pembacaan asmaul husna-nya udah selesai :'''(((
nah disini. waktu aku naik tangga (yang disebut sebagai tangga remedial , katanya) aku kan sambil lari-lari yah, da udah telat tea. dan apa yg terjadi? yap gue jatoh sampe kaya mau terbang di tangga sialan itu. EEERRRRGGGHHH mana disebelah itu kelas 11. edan malu banget itumah OHMYGOODD. dilanjutkan dengan mencak-mencak sendiri sambil seseurian. atuhlah :'(

pelajaran matematika selesai. bel istirahat, aku keluar bareng leony sama laurenci. mau nanya tentang buku + nuker seragam. waktu balik ke kelas ternyata pelajaran kedua udah dimulai. YAALLAH GUE TELAT LAGI MASA :'''(((

sekian. dadah.

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

When You Love Someone - Endah n Rhesa

I love you but it's not so easy to make you here with me
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you're still in my dream
And I can't stand to wait ‘till nite is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence

When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will lose your chance
To make your dreams come true...

I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say... “hello”
And I can't stand to wait your love is coming to my life
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true...

And I never thought that I'm so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
But when love comes it can't be wrong
Don't ever give up just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way....
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true...